Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sleep Training in Training

Motherhood Challenge #1 (out of 16,016): Training Your Sweet Monster to Sleep

Looking for something new & exciting to do over the next 5 days? Why not take the advice of my pediatrician and try the "5-Day Cry It Out (CIO) Method" to get your teething 9-month-old to learn the valuable lesson of self-soothing and falling asleep by himself?

I'll tell you why you have better things to do...

  1. It's obviously heart wrenching (yet rewarding–next week)!
  2. You CAN NOT escape it. There is nowhere to go! Nowhere to hide! Actually, there is a bar down the street and I really should get out of these yoga pants I've been wearing for the past 72 hours. See ya there!
  3. The most horrific and excruciating "What If" thoughts, repressed after month 3, all come back...with a vengeance! Here's a glimpse:
What if he climbs over the crib and falls? He could fall right on his head. Although, he has a large head. But still. I never checked to see if that crib was up to current safety standards. Why didn't I do that? I should do that tomorrow.

What if the mattress I bought on sale is dysfunctional? He might slip through that small hole opening in the corner (I see it so clearly). I should check online to see if there have been any recalls. I'll do that tomorrow.

What if he does manage to get out? He'd be free to roam around his room (ironically, his room isn't baby proofed yet). I'll do that tomorrow.

What if he sticks his curious fingers into one of the unprotected outlets? I really should do that tomorrow.

What if I check on him now? I'll be quiet–like when I'd sneak out back in my teen years. Ha! Good times.

What if this really effing works? Maybe I'll check on him now. It's been a good 5 minutes.

What if...Oh, it's quiet. He's asleep! Is he asleep? I'm sure he's fine. Right? Or maybe not.

What if the baby monitor isn't working? Or...yep, I bet he unplugged it when he got out of his crib. Damn that discounted mattress!

ACTUALITY CHECK: Handsome only cried for 20 minutes the 1st night (slept for 9 hours straight, thank you very  much). 2nd night– he cried for about 10.5 minutes and slept for 10.5 hours. 3rd night–asleep before I even took him into his room and slept for 10 hours. 4th night–ummmm...this doesn't count because I was weak. He woke up at 12:36am screaming. I swear he spoke his first words and was saying, "Mom! Maaaaammmm! Are you mad at me? Please come pick me up. I just want to cuddle. MAAAAAMMM!!!" You'd do the same! 5th night-cried for 11 minutes and slept 9 hours!
6th night is tonight and either the baby monitor isn't working or Handsome has officially completed his first round of Sleep Training! WHOO HOO!